Scale up your digital campaigns while everyone is stuck at home
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With most of the population stuck at home, this is a unique opportunity for companies whose products or services are in demand, to scale up their digital campaigns and drive massive growth.

Introducing the COVID-19 Marketing Response Plan

Cloudevo has developed a COVID-19 Marketing Response Plan to help companies that have products or services in demand (right now) to scale up their digital campaigns while people are ‘stuck’ at home. Here’s what’s included:

01.Digital Strategy Audit

The world is a different place today, and every part of your digital strategy needs to adapt.

We begin by documenting what questions, concerns or uncertainty consumers and potential customers have with regard to your business, and then audit your products/services to find opportunities in the market.

We then look at what assets you have in play, what campaigns are working (and which are not), and which audiences are most responsive (ie buying) right now, and develop a digital strategy designed to achieve maximum performance in this unique world we find ourselves in.

02.Brand Messaging Workshop

With so many people ‘stuck’ at home, your messaging needs to change to talk to what they’re experiencing RIGHT NOW.

With that in mind, we will give you a ‘new’ brand message that you can use across all of your marketing, and we will update all of your assets in line with it (including your ads, your emails, your website etc).

03.Scaling Digital Campaigns

With the new messaging in place and all of your assets updated, we use our Fluid Approach to Growth Marketing to test offers, test audiences, and move FAST to find out what’s working so we can scale it up.

Fluid Marketing is our unique approach to driving digital growth where you get a digital growth team that operates in an agile way to execute ‘fluidly’ between channels (which is more important than ever right now).

Are you seeing an increase in demand?

With most of the population stuck at home, this is a unique opportunity for companies whose products or services are in demand, to scale up their digital campaigns and drive massive growth.


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